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SceneGrinder 3D Virtual Tabletop

Writer's picture: Justin HandlinJustin Handlin

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

3d virtual tabletop of a fantasy town for Dungeons and Dragons

In this episode, we are joined by special guests: Jerry Holmes and Ron Gilbert, creators of the over 300% Funded Kickstarter and amazing looking 3D Virtual Tabletop SceneGrinder.

What is SceneGrinder?

SceneGrinder is the first browser-based, 3D Virtual Tabletop. It can manage any Role-Playing Game System Ruleset, including our favorite, Dungeons & Dragons.

This platform is visually stunning, mobile-friendly, and will be easy-to-use, with no server setups or application downloads.

Crit Academy Episode 270 Show Transcription

Watch the full episode here

We're so excited to have Jerry Holmes and Ron Gilbert join us as the creators of this amazing Scene Grinder, 3D virtual tabletop. I am super excited to talk about the main topic today. So, before we get into it, do you guys want to give yourselves a little introduction about who you are and kind of how you came to create this.

Sure. Sure. All right. I'll rattle first. Um, okay. So basically, it's not just us, there was a whole team behind it. Um, relevant to lifetime gamers. We've been doing the corporate thing for decades, building big software and stuff, and. Finding decided you know what we're bored with. COVID so let's go ahead and go with the dream project.

But so, it's, Jerry and I, Jim's another software developer. My brother, Steve, who's been in it for he's the older brother, so I, I can give his age, but, um, since. Um, that's okay. And he, also, um, going old school back to the ADC, used to work for Western games. If anybody's ever heard of Paranoia, the RPG game, he was involved in developing that right.

His wife, Tracy, is amazing. Um, and then also we've got Deena Jerry's significant other that is a marketing expert. Yeah. Very fascinating. We kind of allow these other people to call themselves developers, even though on, as a project manager.

Yeah. So, that's a cool story. There's lots of, growth there, what a cool journey. Um, but we're here to see the grinder. So, can you tell us kind of, um, um, what is seen grinder beyond the kind of description we've already given, and you know, how did it, how did, um, how does it really stand out from the rest of the virtual tabletop niche?

Okay. Um, yeah, because we looked at the market, it's like, okay. Yeah, there are a million different vertical tabletops out there. So, um, we kind of had three goals for scene grinder going into it. First, one is it must be dead easy to use. So that's why we went browser-based um, got a simple licensing thing. The other thing is for it to be easy to use, you must support the game system rules, but we didn't want to. We wanted to make that easy. So, you don't need to be a programmer to add a game system, to track all your character info, and manage all the dice and modifiers. Um, it's simple. If you can do basic spreadsheet formulas, you can create them through your system.

We decided to go 3D, not only we're browser-based, but we're 3D in the browser on the cell phones. Our, our tenant on that is useful 3d. So, we're talking, you know, show a 3d, blocks moving around in 3d characters. From a DMs perspective, I get the jump into the perspective of the NPCs. Look down from a wall. See that I can't see that, character over there behind those trees, but I can see that guy and I can see that guy. And there are my buddies over there, still on the wall with me. that's from the DM side, that's also, you can throw yourself in first person too, and the GM can do that for right.

We originally thought that was going to be a toy way back a couple of years ago, but I use it all the time while I'm running my Friday night games, just to jump into the perspective of an NPC and see what they see and tell the story from their perspective, make the decisions from their perspective is awesome.

I had a gang group. Well, it was this group, where we're one PC, who hid high ground on the top of a tower. And he perched up there and was calling the shots to the rest of the game group. Cause he could see where they all were. They couldn't see where they were. They were running through hedges.

He was directing the battle from the tower top using his perspective. And that's just so cool because that's when you play like a regular tabletop game, typically it's a top-down view and technically the players can see almost everything. So having a virtual way that you can kind of limit that really is a powerful tool for when you want to, surprise the player characters as the players themselves don't know how, and can't make decisions based on it, because let's be honest, people met a game, even if they don't mean to.

So, the program manager's game system rules can you expand more on how that works?

Yeah. Basically, we've got what we call a template where you define what makes up a character, you know, what are the attributes and what they can have, like spells and feats and stuff like that. And then you can have tables listing those things in need. Just basically link those together. Using, as I said, it's not spreadsheet formulas, but it's just like basic spreadsheet formulas.

If you're using Excel, it's like doing a V lookup formula or an if statement or something like that. So, a little technical, but you know, nothing, you know, you don't need to be, I'm not a programmer, um, buying, creating templates for it. Um, and then once you do that, then when you're actually playing the game and they say, you know, I want to do my fireball.

Then the game system knows that, okay, it's a fireball, 30-foot radius. It plops out a template. Um, do a couple of clicks, make the rolls, and it'll roll the correct dice. Um, and it basically handles everything for you. You're still in control and you can still modify things as you want to. Um, but with those customizations, it just makes it easy to play any game system.

That is cool. Does that mean that you technically programmed all these spells?

Kind of yes, but no. What We tucked in all the spells from the SRD and they're in there because that's what we can legally do but as a dungeon master, you can extend that spell table, whatever you want, make up your own stuff. If you want to. The same with all the rules, the same with that base core template, you can go in and tinker with it and make it, do whatever you want to do. But we're, we're Fifth Edition we started to have multiple settings for different systems.

Which settings like, if I'm playing 5e one day and now, I want to play Fate, is there a way to switch or jump between the game systems?

Yeah. Now it's no, you can. Um, and we've done that before. Because we didn't want to, we were testing different systems. Fate was one that we were testing along with. At any time, you can pull in, go into the scene grinder, and pull in another rule set. And then for a character, you can just flip which rule set that character is using. You can even have different game systems in the exact same scene simultaneously. Why do that? I'm not sure we use it for testing, but sure.

Since I saw Scene Grinder in 3D, how did you guys go about creating monsters?

We’re working hard. A lot of the Kickstarter resources are to build up a library of 3d versions of all the standard monsters you've come to love and expect. Then we allowed dungeon masters to import anything 3d wise they can build or find as well. And we're constantly adding. We also support collapsing into 2d mode. Scene Grinder was a more traditional tabletop, and total 2d mode, if you want to.

If you don't have a 3d model for a monster it, you can put in a standing token or you can show just the 2d token representation.


Are there any plans? I know, before the show we had talked briefly about expansions. Is there a hope to allow some sort of monster creator tool? What I’m thinking is something like hero forge or where you just pick like parts and you make something, was that something that could be in the future of this, this potential program?

Yeah, it's coming up on the roadmap. Um, yeah, it's not the initial release.

I like it on your roadmap because that means you're already thinking of what you're going to want to do, which means we, as consumers, can plan on it being more than just what's coming out with the Kickstarter, which is great.

We have a question from chats. How's it working for mobile browsers or just desktop only, It's both. So, so does that, so, um, do people need newer phones to run well or run the full 3d? Or is it going to, and how does it respond? I mean because a lot of people have a variety of aged phones. So like how far back does that go before? I can't, won't be able to utilize it. Sure, for weaker devices, you would have to tone down the optimization your visual settings. Maybe render things in less detail. And for really all devices, we can, we call it pancake mode, 2d world. , you can collapse everything down into just 2d, and then you still get all the perspective that you would expect to get if your walls are blocked out. You can't, you can't see what you're not supposed to see, but for those kinds of devices, we go all the way down.

Pretty much 2d. So that's cool. So, if I'm understanding this right, the different players can have different perspectives or does the DM or GM have to say, okay, Billy's got a crappy phone and a crappy laptop. So, we're going to have to play in a flat mode so that he can use it, or is it just, that it can be turned on and off individually.

Individually, each player can create that setting. Now we'll be on it. This is in our alpha stage right now. We haven't quite worked out. Whether those people, seeing it in 3d have any kind of advantage player-wise over in 2d, but that can be smoothed over by the gym necessary, but there are some little edge cases like that.

But for the most part, it's individually. Yeah. And that's one of the things that we do is, um, we don't restrict what people do with their scenes. So, if you want to come out and get these, you know, phenomenal models for your scene, that, you know, video, video, game quality, um, because you know, you've got my gaming laptop or something like that to play with, you can do that.

If you've got a player, that's got a three-year-old phone, they'll just see the world differently. Sure. That's cool. I think that's cool. There's something that really interested me in the, and your, your Kickstarter and all your comments. Um, the auto-targeting AOE. Am I understanding that it's no longer you must, you know, place your cones, it kind of knows based on your token location, is that correct?

Well, what we'll do is, um, we'll default is based on where you're facing. That's where it's normally going to be, but then it's real quick, just. Shift around a little bit if you need to. Um, and then basically once you do that, you just, you got to where you get, where you want it, you click a button, it targets everything underneath it.

It's like another button. Do the die roll with, you know, the correct ice. And, um, then it goes off to the GA. And then, the GM gets to see everything in that area. In that AOE and approve or disapprove even have everybody roll, saving, throws, dexterity, checks, whatever to get into or out of the effect or half damage or whatever.

And then you click apply and it's all applied to the appropriate NPCs or whatever's in the area effect. and you're good to go to large battles, much nicer. If you've got an AOE that does like status effect. Is there icon tracking and stuff like that? Like you could put a little status, a status icon poisoned? The reason I ask is that you've got, yeah, because you got this whole fancy 3D system. Are you going to have one that's poisoned?

It makes the flag green or anything like that right now. We're going, as far as there are status effects listed on the character’s avatar. The DM can easily glance down and see, and it's always shown for the player for whatever character or characters they're playing.

Right now, it's just a notification, the avatar we're exploring, putting that effect on the actual 3d model we're getting there. We're just not there yet. I like to.

I highly recommend it if you're watching (or reading) this. I'm already in love with this product. So, I cannot wait! Even knowing that you have a roadmap of all these things you wanted to do, as a customer, that's huge! Not only do I know what I'm getting now, but I can look forward to what I might be getting in the future.

What do you guys think?

I'm looking forward to it by far now it seems like, um, like many other virtual tabletops including character sheets. Now are those customizable or are they. Good for everyone. You’re in your character sheet, in our case is the view that represents all the data about your character and the Dungeon Master, who either pulls in from the marketplace or shared a version of the rules. The first place gets one automatically, and everybody uses that one. We're exploring player and individual customization. Um, but for the most part, yeah, the character sheets are completely customized. Per again, something that as a player would be very appealing, I think, um, because I know people already like to get, you know, doodle on their things and, and make 'em, you know, a unique.

We’ve also got stuff already where you can jump, you can have hotkeys set up to jump to specific pages on the character sheet, so you don't have to drill down, you know, through things to get to that. You know, if you want to get straight to your spells, you can jump straight there and just try and make it easy.

Can you import your character sheets? For example, from DnD Beyond or any other source?

It's not there on the alpha, but it will, it'll, it'll become, become in sometime during. Yeah, that's awesome. Because a lot of people are getting into DnD Beyond. So, allowing them to import their resources good next step. What nine out of ten games that I play on start playing my players are always asking, “Hey, can I bring my dandy beyond character onto here?”

We get that all the time too. So, we know that I had somebody bring home brewing and I was like, what is this? It's off of DnD Wiki. DnD Wiki is code for “everything is broken and overpowered.”

One of the features that you guys are advertising is the world manager feature. What can you tell our viewers about that? Um, um, yeah, our rule manager really is how you connect all the locations in the world. Um, it manages two things. How players can jump from location to location in explore mode. We'll talk about that shortly, but it's also all the handouts and information about any location from the world level, all the way down into the various. Can you give us regions countries down in dial, right on down to the dungeon level or, or encounter level, so you, you end up as you, as you build your campaign with a lot of information collated together, and it's just a good organization system to keep that all together.

As a GM, you can approach it whichever way you work. If you work, top-down where you'd like to have everything centralized. When you play your games, you can do that. Um, but if you'd like to do like we're running temple elemental, And Jerry a GM on it. Um, he's got all the little bits of information for each room scattered out within each room, so you can do it, however, you want to do it. You know, courts could be scattered out. Then you can still view it at that high level if that makes any sense. Yeah. I'm a big user of things like world anvil and now obsidian. So, I'm excited to see what. How you guys, how that turns out it's fully integrated because, um, currently I use outside programs for all that stuff outside of like any virtual tabletop.

So, to have it all kind of into one a one-stop-shop place is super valuable as a DM, or I don't have to have 20 tabs open, which I think is one of your promos. Less prep, more time gaming, right? Yeah. That's a big thing too, is we, you know, we really wanted to do as much as possible within the grinder so that people don't have to jump out to a whole bunch of different apps when they're trying to play their games.

As an example, as a DM, you click on an encounter, you click on a room and it'll drill, drill down. If you have a PDF template, elemental evil has a 146-page PDF that comes along. Who wants to try to find it? It brings you right to the page and right to the encounter. So, you can read it off the original PDF and you have your own notes and Scene Grinder as well.

That's handy.

Scene Grinder has a map editor built-in, is that correct? Is that for only 3d maps or does it include existing maps? Um, um, how does, that work as a. Yeah. You can pull an existing map. That's usually what we do is we just grab a 2d map off the internet, and then you can modify it, but it is fully 3d and you can deform the terrain.

You can create mountains, you can create oceans, um, walls, buildings. Yeah, the workflow, if you have an existing module, like what we're doing testing for instance is a, we grabbed somebody's map off the internet. That's usually out there for an older module, we take it, you lay it down. Then we put all the 3d stuff over top of it and then delete the map.

Um, or you can keep it there if you want, or you can start from scratch either way. Is there any plan to include some sort of way you can do things like importing existing assets? Like, um, like, because it's 3d, for instance. I just got an app on my phone that lets me scan things and turn them into a 3d picture. Um, but I do that with miniatures that I already have, or if I got a really cool Lego set of a castle, can I, can I get a 3d slice of that and then include it into my, um, mapping?

Is that so it's a service planning on offering or do offer already? Yes, you can import any GlTF, GLTB, STL format for instance.

Awesome. Awesome.

I walked into a store in Atlanta and 3d scanned myself and surprised the testing group. I have a 3d version of me walking around the world. It was a little creepy to do that.

That is groundbreaking right now because everyone that's bought 3d printers and has made their own files or downloaded files for 3d printing can now incorporate them, um, even on like Hero Forge offers that, right?

Yes. Stuff's going to be much more popular again. Yeah. Kudos to whoever thought of that because that is awesome!

Right. So, we run a clash of classes where we do player versus player, the idea of somebody getting an STL or SLD or whatever the 3d file is of themselves. And literally having them dressed as wizards and wizards and fighters and dukes, all of that. Oh man, you guys have just.

That's next level because I don't think there's any other VTT that does that. Foundry does a lot, but I don't think that's one of them, so, wow. I am impressed. Color me tickled. Now I was already excited.

Are there any other groundbreaking concepts that you guys made? Because the one that really, really got me excited was the automated shopkeeper. That is the most boring part of any RPG. In my opinion. Can you kind of touch a little bit on the automated shop?

I will say from having, um, one of our current team members that we played with for years and years, that loved to spend an entire night just haggling over buying and selling gear. Like everybody else just sits around, does nothing, but, um, yeah. This is actually the flagship feature of one of the other team members here. We all have things we love about this and we're all pushing for, and this is one of Steve Gilbert's. He's made that a very real part of this project where you can configure a shop owner to buy, sell, haggle, whatever inventory. To that particular shop, um, and deduct the appropriate coinage from the player character or sell something to add it back and all that. You can even dip in a little bit to haggling rules using skills on the character and the NPC that is automated. If it gets into some kind of trouble. Player characters sides to stab it. It can call for the GM. Then the action stops, and the GM takes over at that point. We’ve even made it to put rules in place, like, you know, elves get a 10% discount or something like that. Or if you got, if we want it to, you can get it, you can create your own factions and have faction discounts and stuff.

It'll be pretty much what it's up to the GM, how far they want to take it. Also, it goes a lot farther than just buying and selling goods. Because shops in Scene Grinder can be available twenty-four seven.

So, if you want to kind of introduce them to the town. You can scatter some NPCs around the town with clues about what's going on in the town. And then you can just tell your players, okay. You know, on Wednesday night you can log in for a few hours and wander around the town. Talk to NPCs and try to figure things out.

And then we start playing on Friday, you know, you'll know what the town's like, or maybe you'll find some requests for you guys to do. And there's always that base town near the dungeon that, or whatever, you know, the DM can just open that up. The PCs can go anywhere without the DM, even having to log in at that point.

If something bad happens, the action stops. The DM is notified and can pick up when it, is with it whenever they want to. You can even let them go from scene to scene if you want to. So, like you've got a town scene and then you've got like a special scene within it for maybe the favor of Tavern or something like that.

You can just let the PCs in between game sessions, just wander around those different scenes, and see what they can do.

I like the idea of offering something special, like an item. That's only available to say somebody that speaks thieves can't for instance. Or somebody that is part of a specific group. Faction or group or, um, background maybe in general, right? Like the criminals get a special, five-finger discount on anybody that walks by or something like that.

Additionally, one of the features that we're pulling in shortly onto our, under a roadmap is its ability to, um, be a content publishing mechanism or you push a button and the entire campaign that you've laid out.

Turned into a PDF format, um, or a, or a, um, a self-hosted static website of some kind that you can use in other venues, other than sink grinder, um, which kind of fits in with our, with our philosophy of, let's not be insular with other tabletops. Then let's try to be as inclusive as possible. If you want to use Scene Grinder to create cool maps, um, print them out, um, organize your time. Put in a PDF using other systems. Go for it.

There's a really great question that just showed up. Is Scene Grinder something that the players can jump in at any point? Whether or not the GM is there, like, if, can you just jump into the map because Andrew talks about having a pre-session town one?

Oh, yes. He gets it. He gets the prize. Yes, absolutely. As long as the GM has given her permission to do that, you know, Game Master allows the character to go through certain doors or not, or to jump to certain scenes or not. As long as the GM has set that up then. Yes, that is exactly what it's like. All right, guys, just so you know, I'm not shopping. So, the town is open. You have until next week to buy stuff; you don't buy anything to add. But do you ever get a ping saying, Hey, the game made your attention for a moment? Oh, that's great, that's a great one. Brandon just tried to pilfer something from the markets. Um, you should know that the magistrate has him naked and is torturing him in a dungeon now.

Got it.

The thing I love about this, first, I love that you're so inclusive of all the different variety of game types, um, especially with Spell Jammer releasing soon. So that's great because, the idea of having a giant 3d ship battle, um, just sounds awesome.

Have you been monitoring our discord server because we've been having a lot of those discussions they are about, about ship battles. Yes., if we don't properly support Scifi and all that comes along with it, I'm pretty sure some of these guys will hunt us down. So yeah, we're doing those aerial battles and Scifi content, you know, ships, modern stuff inside of ships, you know, starship vendors inside of them, stuff like that.

Yep. All they're all. All right. Yep. All right. So, yes. And it is funded already.

Oh yeah. You're 300% funded if I'm not mistaken and growing, right?

Yeah. We have some like 50, some odd videos out there on the YouTube channel. Demonstrating all kinds of features. And so, yeah, check them out.

It really, you guys do a lot of the in delve that like how to create things. And I think some of them are really cool.

What about Virtual Reality?

VR is absolutely on our roadmap. Yup. Augmented reality too. Not initially, but it's on the roadmap. So that exciting product sounds amazing. Thanks so much for bringing on the show.

Go to the Kickstarter, support us, and give us love. And if you have any questions about what it does or how it does it go to our YouTube page and check out the dev blog video player. Lots of good stuff there. Yup. So, two words, jump into district great discussions.

Thanks again for joining us. And can't wait to talk to you later. Congratulations.


Save time and effort by jumping into the game with already fleshed out locations, encounters, maps, abilities, and stat blocks. Being a DM is hard. Why not let us do the heavy lifting so you can have a great time at the table.

Adventuring hanging from desert cliff with dragon flying in background
New Release! PDF or Hardcover!

Monster Variant: Felwolf

Origin: Assassin

Lost Features: Swap Strength/Dexterity, Evasion, Assassinate, Light Crossbow, Acrobatics (becomes Athletics)

New Features:

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered

Keen Hearing and Smell. The felwolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Shapechanger. The felwolf can use its action to polymorph into a Large wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a Large winterwolf (necrotic instead of cold), or back into its were form. Its statistics, other than its size and AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the felwolf to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the felwolf drops to 1 hit point instead.


Draining Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) necrotic damage. Unless the target is immune to necrotic damage, its Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.


Unbridled Fury. In response to being hit by a melee attack, the felwolf can make one Draining Bite or a Shortsword attack with advantage against the attacker.

Encounter: A Bone to Pick

Craftsmen Daldra Finell is seeking aid for a unique set of armor. In order to create his Shattered bone armor (Use Adamantine Armor), it requires unique bone fragments in order to give it a hardness comparable to adamantine. While many adventures bring him most of the materials he needs. Few are able to gather unique bone fragments of a bone naga. A character that succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Religion) check recalls learning that bone naga tends to inhabit corrupted temples and graveyards. A character that succeeds on a DC 21 Intelligence (Arcana) check recalls that bone nagas are able to read minds and use these to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their prey.

The bone naga isn’t above making a deal with the characters. Due to battles with many other adventurers, some of their bones have broken off and are scattered about the area. If a character is willing to cast regenerate or a similar spell to restore the naga’s damaged body, it will allow them to collect enough of its bones for Daldra to create two suites of shattered bone armor. One for his order, and one for the party.

Magic Item: Peephole Ring (Created by Starfleet42)

Ring, uncommon

A Peephole Ring is a plain silver band, with an image of an open eye that appears to be a centimeter inside the otherwise opaque surface.

The ring grants no benefit or effect from simply being worn, but instead must be removed and placed against a surface to function. When placed on a wall or similar surface, it allows the user to look through it as if there was a ring-sized hole through the wall, through up to 1 foot of wood or 6 inches of stone. Any amount of metal prevents it from functioning. If the wall is too thick, the ring will remain inert.

The peephole is an illusion, so objects cannot pass through. The ring gives off a faint aura of divination.

Dungeon Master Tip: Play to Each Player’s Goals

When running an adventure, or more specifically, a campaign. Know what drives the players. Know what motivates their characters. Though, it’s worth noting that the former is far more potent than the latter. As DM, use this information to get the players, and their characters to do what you want. A great example, if the characters are heading out of a dungeon and you know that the wizard is a sucker for exploration and lore. A simple perception check on the way out could be used to catch the wizard’s attention. The unique information doesn’t necessarily have to have value at that moment. But using this as a tool to lead the character into gaining knowledge that you know will be valuable later is far more interesting than just simply rolling a knowledge check when the time comes and gives us a great way to world within the interests of the players and their characters.

Understanding what drives the character allows us to give a direct voice to each of the players, even if they aren’t the most dominant voice at the table. Though, this doesn’t always work. What do we do when we dangle adventure hooks in front of a player, and their character doesn’t take the bait? Well, because we know the player and character, we can build incentives inside other character’s hooks to pull that character along. That way, even if they aren’t taking their own hooks, they are incentivised to go along for the ride with the other characters.

Player Tip: Grave Mastermind

Being able to stabilize a character from 30 feet away with the spare the dying cantrip is a powerful tool, especially if the downed character is inside of a hazard when they fall unconscious. Additionally, when a creature drops to 0 hp, the cleric can gain the maximum benefit of a healing spell. Now, this is pretty powerful when it comes to helping allies. But what about offensive capabilities? The cleric can also use their channel divinity to curse a target until the end of your next turn. This gives the target vulnerability to all of the next attacks against it. That is DOUBLE damage!

So where does the mastermind come into play? Well, master of tactics allows the character to take the Help action from up to 30 feet away. Now we have given the target vulnerability and the next attack against its advantage. Finally, because the Help action under the master of tactics is a bonus action, we can top off the buff with the guidance cantrip. This adds another 1d4 bonus to the ally's attack. So, double damage, advantage, and an extra d4. Life as a Grave Mastermind is extremely conducive to a supporting character that boosts Damage Per Round, all without spell slots. Enjoy!

The Dark Tide of Damodan is an underwater rescue adventure, where time is of the essence.

A mysterious disease is killing off locals and visitors alike in the port town of Havenword. While the adventurers are in town, Havenword is attacked from the sea by nasty fish-headed creatures. After the battle, the characters learn that the creatures dragged off several townsfolk. They have been tasked with finding the captives and returning them safely. The only problem...they were taken out to sea.

The characters must delve into the depths of an underwater keep to rescue the captives. Using the knowledge of the captives to help locate one another, all the while, avoiding the sinister Damodan's forces. Will the characters turn the tides in their favor? Or will they swim with the fishes?

Winner: caitlin.heinly

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