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Crit Academy
Channel info
Do you love Dungeons and Dragons? Do you want a constant flow inspiration for your table? Or are you just looking to scratch that itch by joining a weekly D&D discussion? If you are, then you rolled a Nat 20 on your investigation check to find us! Crit Academy is a weekly Dungeons and Dragons discussion live show. The goal is to provide guidance and inspiration to both players and Dungeon Masters. Every week we discuss recent RPG news before jumping into a revolving main topic. Our main topics are much like monsters, they call in all shapes and sizes from covering published supplements, both official and third party to interviewing popular industry professionals and even just open discussions on fun and inspirational topics. We end the show with our Unearthed Tips and Tricks segments where we bring new and reuseable content for you to bring with you on our next adventure. If this is something that sounds great to you, then hit that subscribe button and join us live every week!
Crit Academy
Silver Tier
NEW-Printable Magic Spell Reagent Cards released weekly. Featuring custom art by Brandon!
IMPROVED-Custom Maps released monthly. Now including a details page with monsters, traps, and environmental effects found in the area.
You will receive a complimentary digital copy of all of our published “player options”
Get a sneak at our projects in the works and help us play test the material for publishing.
All previous rewards
Gold Tier
NEW-Printable NPC cards released weekly. Featuring custom art by Brandon!
NEW-Legacy Item Questlines released monthly
NEW-Bounty Board: Job Quests for your adventurers released monthly.
IMPROVED-An exclusive One Page Adventure, now integrated with our maps and monsters! Plus, adventures will now be linked together so that you can play them individually or group 4 together for an adventure path campaign!
Welcome Swag Kit (one time reward-not monthly *please allow processing and shipping time*)
Unearthed Tips & Tricks Digital Magazine released monthly and access to the two previous months of magazines.
You will receive a complimentary digital copy of any content published (excluding Kickstarter projects) while you're a patron at the gold tier.
Complimentary copy of our Heroic Dungeon Master Resources bundle, which includes four of our best-selling products.
All previous rewards