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Make your RPG Combat Flow

Writer's picture: Justin HandlinJustin Handlin

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We are joined today by special guest Zipperon Disney a Youtuber and big Dungeons and Dragons nerd with a channel that focuses on advanced Dungeon Master techniques.

Crit Nation, thanks for joining us today here at the “Crit Academy” studios where everything is made up and your rolls don’t matter. Yup, that’s right; your rolls are like rpg combat without a good flow.

Modular dungeon tiles are an easy way to create your own beautiful digital maps. The Arcania lets you make dark, shadowy dungeon map, rich with the fumes of arcane secrets.

Winner: mike@mymohrmann

Didn’t win? Np, head to a free set of digital terrain and much more.

Segment 2: Crit Nation Feedback: Let’s talk about Blank!

What an absolute amazing resource. Not only does is this character sheet targeted toward helping the millions of people who suffer from dyslexia( symptoms include visual disturbances such as words seeming to move while you’re trying to read them) but its also designed in a way that makes it great for new players and children.

Segment 3: Main Topic: Make your Combat Flow with Zipperon Disney

Zipperon, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

What is your most memorable D&D moment?

Do you have any moment where you failed as a DM/Player?

Why does Michael Bay action scenes seem to drag on, but forty minutes of the battle of helms deep keep you on the edge of your seat?

What is the real difference between these fights?

What is Flow? How is it different from just speeding up combat?

What can we do as DM’s to improve this flow?

Dramatize Transitions - How do we do this?

Turns running into the next turn.

Create Exigency- Can you tell us about this new favorite word?

Prompt Activity - Subtle difference of “What do you do?” Vs “What are you doing?”

Compress the Resolution - Can you share with Crit Nation what you mean by this?

Revolutionize your game with this collection 16 mini-adventures and includes NPCs, locations, new creatures, and magic items to add to your nautical adventures.

Winner: vijaydeguzman

Didn’t win? Np, head to to get Encounters on the Savage Seas III Free

Unearthed Tips and Tricks: New and reusable D&D content for you to bring with you on your next adventure.

Character Concept:

To be Provided by Zipperon Disney

Monster Variant:

Earth Rage Battlebriar:

Origin: Xorn

Battlebriars are deadly living plants, similar in likeness to the shambling mound, but are purposefully grown to serve in military capacities. They can destroy massed formations of lesser troops, storm defended embankments, and bring down fortifications. This battlebriar likes to bury itself, use tremorsense to detect foes passing overhead, and erupt from the ground suddenly to catch them by surprise.

Lost Features: Treasure Sense, claw

New Features:

Vine Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage and the target must succeed a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet toward the battlebriar.

(works great with multiattack, as it can pull in multiple creatures for its spore attack if it missed during its ambush)

Rising Burst (Recharge 6). The battlebriar bursts out from underneath its victims. This sprays rock and dirt into the air and causes the ground around it to shake violently. Each creature standing within that 20-foot cube area centered on the battlebriar must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. A creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone on a failed save, or half as much damage and isn't knocked prone on

a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared. Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least one minute to clear by hand.

Spores (2/Day). A 15-foot-radius cloud of toxic spores extends out from the battlebriar. The spores spread around corners. Each creature in that area that isn't a plant must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours.


Conflict Interrupted

The characters stumble into a battle between an adventuring party and a revenant who managed to claw its way back into the world to seek revenge against the one who wronged it. It wields a stormstrike weapon. (flame tongue but lightning damage (DMG)). Both the revenant and adventuring party request the aid of the characters.

Magic Item:

Face-Stealing Ring

Ring, Uncommon (requires attunement)

The wearer of this ivory ring sees the faces of others as potential disguises.

While wearing this ring, you can use an action to speak its command word. When you do so, you cast disguise self taking the form of a humanoid creature you can see. The ring imbues you with that creatures mannerism,voice and speech patterns for one hour or until you end it as a bonus action. This effect grants you advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) check to pass yourself off as the creature you’re imitating.

Dungeon Master Tip:

Super Minions

Traditional minions from 4e have 1 hit point. Super minions are essentially two hit then dead enemies. This serves a multitude of benefits. First, allows the speed of combat to increase significantly, as enemies, especially random encounter ones, die pretty quickly. This also means that you as the DM can easily add multitude of varying monsters, without the need to worry about tracking lots of extra hit point pools. Lastly, and most important, it really allows players to feel how powerful they’ve become. For example, a creature who may have been a big bad enemy guy, such as a Goblin Boss, at higher levels, can be treated simply as a minion or super minion. Really showing the heroes the progress that they’ve made.

This is done very well in the Dark Souls video game.

Player Tip: Don’t be a Dick

Roleplaying is Choice

You express who you are through the decisions you make. When an adventure gives you a choice, the consequences of your choices shape your adventurer's life story. Get into character and let your character's unique concerns and motivations guide your decision so that the result is true to who you want your chanKter to become.

Don't depend on the adventure to present your character with life-altering choices. Help the DM create meaningful decisions for you by clearly and consistently expressing what matters to your character, and take the initiative to set up your own choices.

Closing: Please join us on our next episode we will discuss Health, Armor, and Endurance in Tabletop Games with our boys from Inter Party Conflict, Gabe and Jeff!

If you have any feedback, unearthed tips and tricks or topics you would like us to discuss, please send them to us. You can email them to us at or find us on twitter and facebook @critacademy.

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I am your host Justin and I am your guest(name) and hosts. Thanks for listening.

Keep your blades sharp and spells prepared heroes!

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