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Increase your Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Experience with Weapon Histories

Writer's picture: Justin HandlinJustin Handlin

100 Weapon Histories: This list of 100 interesting weapon stories are great for adding great story to mundane or magical weapons in your Dungeons and Dragons game. A player can take their roleplay to the next level by using these histories in their character's background, or adventuring carrier. These also make for a great DM plot hook. A weapon used to murder a queen? I bet it's famous enough to be recognized by servants of the slain queen.

We've picked three of our favorites for discussion and how can we get the most out of it from a roleplay or hook perspective. View the full episode for our breakdown and interview with DnDSpeak's Casey Willis! Get this product and many more here on his website!


  • This weapon was forged by the High Artificer of an ancient kingdom for the coronation ceremony of Prince Darek Half-Elven the Zerule. The prince’s treacherous brother used it to slay Darek as he was being crowned and then fled the land with the weapon. A Royal Assassin tracked down the brother and used the weapon to kill him, thus giving it its nickname, the “Prince Slayer”.

  • The hilt has a notch for each kill made with the weapon. Although it was wielded by a great hero for many years, it only has one notch.

  • This weapon is the physical key to a ship now haunted. Once belonging to a great pirate to hide his founded wealth it is now the only way to restore the ship to its former glory (the treasure being the ship itself). While the weapon is inserted into the keyhole a silent ghost crew works about the ship managing its sails. Without the weapon inserted it creates an illusion that it is haunted once again, great for anti-theft!


  • The wood in this weapon was provided willingly for the original owner, by a powerful forest god. Each following bearer has either sought out the God’s blessing, or warred with nature itself.

  • A wizard failed his experiment and transformed into this weapon.

  • The weapon is named after a powerful weapon once wielded by a great hero of legend. Everyone seems to have different versions of who it was wielded by and what that individual used it for, though.


  • This weapon was found in the body of an ancient monster that even the gods feared.

  • A weapon that bleeds. It is said that it was originally made to draw blood from one’s foes weakening them further even as it made a wound. Later it came into possession of a cult that was very fond of sacrificing creatures to their dark god.The weapon was used to kill the victims of the cult and after the deed was done,it would be left to lie in a pool of blood.After a century of being used by the cult the weapon was done. It was overfilled with blood. So now it bleeds blood.

  • This weapon has been a favorite for all who have ever wielded it. It radiated with bright light in the hands of all who have held it, but in yours, it emanates only shadow.


This weapon was reforged from the shattered weapons of three mighty heroes who slew each other in the final hours of the Battle of Dagford Keep. It was assembled to signify a new truce between the three kingdoms.

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D&D Character Concept/NPC Idea: Forged by the gods!

The gods decided a contest among themselves to have a contest of creation not of objects or worlds but a single individual. Each person is instilled with the qualities and values of the deity that has created them and were each placed into the world as a small child who does not know from where they have come. As they grow each person seems to have a certain amount of luck about them or see themselves as clearly above normal men as the deities compare the qualities and deeds of their creation. The gods themselves cannot directly interact with their creations but that does not mean they don’t find subtle ways to support their creation or hinder their rivals.

D&D Monster Variant: Storm of Sickles

Origin: Swarm of Poisonous Snakes


Change to construct

Remove Bite.

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Antimagic Susceptibility. The sickle storm is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the sickle storm must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.

False Appearance. While the sickle storm remains motionless and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a pile of sickles.

New Features:

Sickle Storm. At the start of each of the sickle storm’s turns, each creature that starts its turn or enters the area within 5 feet of the sickle storm or shares a space with it takes 3 (1d6) slashing damage. A creature that touches the sickle or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 3 (1d6) slashing damage.

Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft ., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 11 (3d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) slashing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

*I love that if it moves away from a target, if they take the opportunity attack, they are punished. Really encourages this creature to move around the battlefield.*

D&D Encounter: Windy Willow Blight

A monster hunter guild is currently taking in new members. The aspiring members need to fulfill a contract, hunting a particular monster native to the Windy Willow woods, just north of the town. Only thing is, unbeknownst to everyone, a pair of hobgoblins has slaughtered every creature, wanting to spend their honeymoon undisturbed in the woods. Their evil deed has awoken blights, and they are currently on the move, to the horror of a lone druid calling the woods her home.

D&D Magic Item: Ring of Hellfire

Brightwood Warrior’s Blade - Source: Bonus_Action

Scimitar, Rare (requires attunement)

Forest Forged. You receive a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.

Slice of Sunlight. As an action, you can slash the scimitar in an arc in front of you. A wave of sunlight bursts outward from you in a 20 ft. cone. All creatures in the area have to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10+ your proficiency modifier). A creature with sunlight sensitivity has Disadvantage on the save. On a failed save the creature takes 2d6+2 radiant damage. If a creature critically fails its saving throw they are also blinded until the end of their next turn. On a successful save a creature takes half damage. And isn’t blinded. This feature can only be used once per long rest.

Ring of Hellfire:

This ring, when three small bloodstones are placed into the ring, acts as a direct conduit to the Nine Hells. It is able to manifest a small pinhole portal to the Nine Hells that is capable of shooting out a 5ft blast of flame, dealing 1d6 damage as a bonus action. You can place the portal anywhere within 10 ft of you. This portal lasts for 1d6 turns. Think of it like a small turret that shoots fire from the Nine Hells.

D&D Dungeon Master Tip: Players love a familiar face or place

Reuse previous settings, revisit an old tavern that took place in a much earlier adventure. This creates a significant sense of nostalgia, the “remember when” moments. The NPCs they encounter are a part of those characters' histories and create a new layer of emotion for them down the road. Remembering that npc they rescued now is a successful merchant, or a family man, or even a mayor or some other person of note. Careful to not over do it though, you don’t want to make the world seem too small, by constantly having the PCs return or run into a familiar face. Like seasoning on your steak, you want to find just the right amount.

D&D Player Tip: Don’t be a Dick! You can avoid dickitude by...Giving your mundane equipment a history!

Your characters aren’t the only way to tell a great story. Items themselves can have just as interesting lore and story as your character. Tying them in together makes it all the better. This is very common in some of the most memorable stories ever told. A great example is King Arthur and the sword in the stone. The sword itself is only significant because of the story behind it, which ties directly into Arthur becoming King. In this example, both stories are tied together by a rather mundane item.

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